We provide unique educational models that allows you to work with the robot from the first minute. We use in our model the “Education by practice” and “Education through pleasure” in small cooperative groups so that skills can be absorbed extensively. Thus, we provide a contemporary learning environment that employs hands-on construction activities and demonstrable mastery of new learning.
We believe that it is in the context of inquiry and discovery that leads to active problem solving and engaged learning. The aim of the robotics class is to place students in the role of creating and designing with technology and not just using it.
We work through a leading-edge team, specialized in artificial intelligence, from European and American universities to provide state-of-the-art technology by way of practical methodologies.
The club has established official working hours in order to accommodate those who are attending formal education the time and space to learn in a stress-free and comfortable center. The club contains state-of-the art computers and the latest robots. Our center is flexible allowing students to practice their hobby whenever they wish, while under the supervision of highly qualified professors from prestigious universities specialized in Artificial Intelligence.
During their break, trainees can discuss and exchange ideas of what they learned in training classes over free cups of coffee/tea or juice and cakes. They can develop their scientific imagination at a time of beautiful relaxation along with robot experts. Such an environment facilitates and aids the creation of useful ideas that can be turned into reality.

An entertaining benefit or useful amusement
Trainees present and display both completed and ongoing projects, at the end of each course, in the Exhibition Hall. They invite their friends and relatives to view what they have accomplished at each stage of progression through the program.